Newark Library Blog

Read, Write, Sing, Talk and Play at the Library! by missadina
Monday, April 18, 2016, 8:47 am
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Em outside readingThe first five years of a child’s life are incredibly influential in shaping them as they grow.  Everyone wants their child to succeed, to have an easier life than they had; Newark Library is perfectly placed to help that happen.  Library staff can help you to help your child succeed.

Read. When you bring home your new bundle of joy, you will be tired and exhilarated.  One of the best ways to help your child into a reading routine it to include it at bedtime.  Read to your baby before they even understand the words you are saying so that they know how fun and interesting reading can be!  When they are older, they will start chewing on books – that is normal.  Babies experience everything they can through their mouths.  Keep reading! Picture books, funny books, comics – whatever sparks their interest.  Read signs as you drive.  Read every day!

Write. Writing doesn’t necessarily mean writing letters and words.  Kids start writing when they put a crayon to paper.  It is part of their motor skill growth, so that when they start kindergarten, they will know how to hold a pencil, how hard to press, how to make a line and a circle.  So let your children color and scribble.

Sing. Even if you do not think you have a good singing voice, your child thinks you do.  Take their wonderful ignorance and sing to them.  Singing is a great way to connect with a child, to calm a child, to entertain a child, and even to redirect a child’s attention. Singing can connect a child to a different culture or language, and is a great way to preserve cultural heritage.  Singing builds the muscles in their mouth and throat so that they can speak clearly.  It also teaches rhythm and rhyming, which will help when they are learning to read.

Talk. Talking with your child is both easy and hard.  When you bring a baby home, you are so exhausted that talking can be a chore.  Try narrating what you are doing throughout the day.  If you cook, tell your child what ingredients you are using, if the food is crunchy, sweet, yummy, delicious (and so on).  A child who hears words will want to use words and will have an easier time expressing him/herself.

Play!  Play is serious work for kids.  Babies don’t know that when they throw a ball on the floor it bounces; they get to discover the whole world.  Playing involves coordination, sharing, imagination, talking, singing, creating, and much more.  Play with your child, and let them direct the way you play!

These five simple things can mean so much to you and your child; you can experience them at storytime, at crafts, at the playground, and at home.  Give your child a step up and visit the library to help them their whole life long.