Newark Library Blog

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! by MaryA
Saturday, February 28, 2009, 4:27 pm
Filed under: books, children, Events, Newark

Monday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday! To celebrate the life of this dr seussgreat children’s author and illustrator, Newark Library hosted a Dr. Seuss Day today. We had about 65 people partake in the fun, enjoying craft projects (which included making the Cat in the Hat hats and birthday cards for Dr. Seuss). The hats were a great success and everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you to everyone who attended this program!

Book Craft by MaryA
Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 5:52 pm
Filed under: books, children, Events, Newark

coralinefeaturing Neil Gaiman for the month of February! Join us this Thursday from 6:45-7:45 pm as we read part of Coraline, discuss a few of Mr. Gaiman’s other titles for children and adults, have a few snacks and work on a few Coraline crafts. This program is free and there is no registration. Please drop on by!